Wool has many benefits for both the textile and gardening industries.
Wool is known in the textile industry for its renewable, hygroscopic, and hypoallergenic qualities.
Wool also is rich in nutrients, biodegradable, holds and regulates water making it important to the gardening industry as well.
Did you know that sheep's wool is environmentally friendly?
Raw wool is a completely an organic material; it easily breaks down and returns its constituent elements and minerals to the earth. In fact, studies have shown that it takes only six months for wool to biodegrade completely in the soil.
Did you know that sheep's wool can protect and enhance your garden soil?
Raw wool contains both macro and micronutrients that will begin improving and enhancing the health of the soil.
Wool can absorb and hold water helping to regulate the moisture content of the soil, decreasing nutrient runoff and reducing water usage.
It has both antibacterial and antimicrobial properties protecting your plants by reducing harmful bacteria growth.
Wool also naturally can help regulate temperatures...even soil temperatures! Adding a layer of protection to the root systems of your plants.
Wool Pellets were created to help Reduce Waste and Recycle Nutrients
We take undervalued wool and give it a new purpose. Our wool pellets are made with one ingredient 100% raw wool. We take the nutrient rich wool and create pellets making it easy to incorporate it into your flowerpots and gardens. Another benefit of using pelletized wool is that as the pellets expand and break down, they leave space in the soil. This will increase the porosity of the soil creating an oxygen rich environment.
Wool Pellet Trial Results
Water Holding Study
Pineae Wool Tomato Dry Weight Trials